Volunteers make our world go around! We use volunteers in every area of our ministry. We need CDL equipped drivers and non-driving staff for many of the Lightrider mobile retreats. We need volunteers to help with the RedBarn activities each school day. We especially need group organizers - individuals to gather folks from their churches, clubs, families and work places to join with Lightrider for adventures in Christian fellowship.
We call it loving your neighbor

Lightrider Ministries in brief - JESUS IS REAL AND RELEVANT
Lightrider, Inc began as a mobile retreat ministry, a spin off of the pioneer of mobile retreat ministries, the Wandering Wheels. Motor coaches equipped with bunk beds and staffed with Christian drivers provide mobility while destinations throughout North America become places to retreat. If there is pavement we'll use it! America is our camp!
We call it adventures in Christian fellowship

A dream of using a double decker motor coach to conduct mobile retreats became a prayer, then a vision and finally, in 1987, a reality. Acquiring a 14 year old Neoplan Skyliner and converting it to a sleeper coach Lightrider began using the highways to connect folks with Him, with each other and with His Creation. Quality time enjoyed while traveling together allow Christian fellowship to foster spiritual growth for individuals while strengthening the body of Christ, the church. Strong churches make for a stronger Republic.
We call it strengthening America, one church at a time
Some time ago we prayed the Prayer of Jabez, "Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my territory"- 1 Chronicles 4:10. As God enlarged our territory Lightrider, Inc. started doing business as Lightrider Ministries. So began our RedBarn, a place for at risk kids after school. Partnering with Youth For Christ, relying on adult & student volunteers from Taylor and Indiana Wesleyan Universities, we provide a safe haven for hundreds of kids, kids being influenced for Christ - from the streets into the Faith and off to church.

We call it connecting kids to Christ

The most neglected demographic in American society today is the senior adult. The GrayBarn is a destination for local seniors. Join in game day, exercise classes, Senior Men's Fellowship, Ladies' Bible Study or pan an event. Equipped with a full kitchen and seating for 80 the GrayBarn is ideally suited for open houses, rehearsal dinners, receptions and gathering of all kinds.
We call it a sanctuary for seniors
Our search for a vehicle suitable for mobile retreats with seniors revealed the need for a new type of motor coach to serve this venerable generation. Lightrider has designed a commercially viable 45 foot universally accessible motor coach featuring a mechanized over head luggage system. This low floor rig fulfills the admonition in Hebrew 12:13, "Make level paths for your feet, so that the lame may not be disabled but rather healed."
We call it the H1213
As we begin our 4th decade of ministry God has used a synergy of people, prayers and events to reveal His vision for Lightrider's future. The manufacture and sales of H1213 motor coaches will supplement the funding of our daily operations, provide an appropriate conveyance for our senior outreach, make possible the planting of H1213's in churches and generate income which will provide for the hiring of more youthful staff to conduct mobile retreats with teenages and to keep Lightrider in the fight when the time comes for us old dudes to hang up our traveln' shoes.
We call it our vision for succession and sustainability